domingo, 31 de enero de 2010

Natalie Suárez

Contacté con Natalie a través de dibujogente. Ella dejó un comentario en mi blog y así yo descubrí el suyo...
Natalie es modelo y vive en Los Ángeles, tiene un look fresco, combina prendas de diseñadores, marcas y mucho vintage. Aquí luce un traje-pantalon oscuro, camisa con volantes y unos cuantos brazaletes y anillos, el toque final para mi son los pies desclazos, recuerda una actuación que vi hace muchos años de INXS en los mtv awards, Michael Hutchence con unos pantalones pitillo negros y desclazo...que guapo ; )

Ah! y felicidades Natalie por tus dos últimos trabajos, me encantaron! 

I contacted Natalie through Dibujogente. She just left a comment on my blog and this is how I discovered hers
Natalie is a model who leaves in Los Angeles. She has fresh style, she combines with designer clothes, brands and a lot of vintage stuff. Here she is wearing a dark suit, a ruffled shirt and a few bracelets and rings. Her naked feet are for me the final touch, I find it very sexy…it reminds me of an INXS performance I saw many years ago for a MTV awards show, Michael Hutchence wearing cigarette trousers and his feet naked…very handsome ;) 

Ah! and by the way Natalie, I wanted to congratulate you for you two last jobs, I loved them!

19 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

cool :)

alison folks dijo...

Hola! no coneixia ni el teu treball ni la boutique ni res de res, pero m´han encantat les teves ilustracions,a la teva botiga mostres la teva feina? petons, alicia

Clara Campelo dijo...

wow! you draw very well.
I loved your blog. Natalie is beautiful too.
makes me want to have a caricature of that! haha
really enjoyed. congratulations!

someone dijo...

WOW!!!!!!!!! WONDERFUL :)

Michele dijo...

Wow! This is really lovely! You should draw me:P Heheh

ZANAH dijo...

Lovely work & blog ! :) Mon Mode Blog

.Maree dijo...

i was just on Natalie's blog! You draw sooo well! Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! =]

Marta R. Gustems dijo...

Thank you very much girrrls!

Alicia, gràcies! Suite és una botiga de roba on venc la meva col.lecció i la d'altres dissenyadors independents...pero no mostro els meus dibuixos. Si faig una expo, t'aviso ; )

Krystal dijo...

Love your style, it is great art!

sib dijo...

i just saw your work at the website of natalie and i was supriesed, the drawing is amazing and beautiful.. you draw so gorgeous!! =) love all of them!

xoxo cla

Rose dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

Genial tu blog!Enhorabuena

Taylor Sterling dijo...

Very beautiful!! xx

Carmo dijo...

Hi! Great job!I loved it, i'm also an ilustrator! Check out my blog to se my work :)

Marta R. Gustems dijo...

Thank you so much bonitas!

Miss carmo, cool portraits ; )

Lucy dijo...

Wow!! This is such an amazing work!! I love all your paintings!

Bev dijo...

so talented, i really love your work x

fadetoblack dijo...

just saw this on natalies blog!!

your drawing is amazing! really really lovely!!

i wish i could follow your blog :(

Ill link you so i can come back :)

Marta R. Gustems dijo...

Thank you very much!
you are all lovely ; )